Learning a new song |
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"There Was An Old Woman" |
I have found that sign language also helps build self-esteem in all children from hearing, hearing impaired and those children with disabilities. This is especially true in our school for children who have delayed speech. These children are learning a new skill that they can gain confidence in. These are the children that have slowly over the past few months, have built up their confidence to move closer to me so they can watch my motions. They want to be able to participate, even if they can’t say the words as well as the rest of their peers. Children are already natural movers and so adding the hand movements with their learning is easy for them. For some of these children it is easier to do the motions than vocalizing the word. Vocalizing for some children means coordinating the jaw, lips, tongue, thoughts and breathing, which may be a difficult task. Being able to still participate in the music activity with the rest of the class by using the sign language is a definite confidence booster.
Early childhood educators do not have to be fluent or certified in American Sign Language to be successful in adding it to their curriculum. As I practice in my teaching, I have come across many wonderful resource books and online programs that can help you can look up the sign for a particular word. Start off slow so you are comfortable in your presentation. The teachers at my preschool have found that they can choose a few words that they want to teach in sign language and introduce them slowly. Brown Bear, Brown Bear is a good book to start with and just do the signs for the colors. The children have probably already heard the book before and they are familiar with the rhymes.
Another idea would be either singing the song “Old MacDonald” and using puppets or reading the story. Introduce the signs of the farm animals to the children. The children love to make the sound of the animal and it is easy and fun for them to do the sign. This is always a big hit with the children of all ages in my music classes. Another prop I use in my classroom is an old woman doll that swallows things. I use the doll with the song, “There was an Old Woman”. The children love to watch the old lady “swallow” the animals. The song is long; by adding sign language it holds their attention. The children have to concentrate on making the sign of the animal and remembering the order that the old lady swallowed the animals. I also change the end of the song from the old lady dying, to crying because she has a stomachache from swallowing all of the animals. I teach them the sign for crying and then really ham it up. The children love to imitate my sign for crying and have become wonderful confident actors!
Another idea would be either singing the song “Old MacDonald” and using puppets or reading the story. Introduce the signs of the farm animals to the children. The children love to make the sound of the animal and it is easy and fun for them to do the sign. This is always a big hit with the children of all ages in my music classes. Another prop I use in my classroom is an old woman doll that swallows things. I use the doll with the song, “There was an Old Woman”. The children love to watch the old lady “swallow” the animals. The song is long; by adding sign language it holds their attention. The children have to concentrate on making the sign of the animal and remembering the order that the old lady swallowed the animals. I also change the end of the song from the old lady dying, to crying because she has a stomachache from swallowing all of the animals. I teach them the sign for crying and then really ham it up. The children love to imitate my sign for crying and have become wonderful confident actors!
I have observed at my preschool, that sign language in the classroom has many benefits that can change the everyday lives of all children. I have noticed this difference when I go visit other schools to participate in enrichment programs where the children are not exposed to sign language. The children stop their wiggles and concentrate on the new song that I am teaching them. The teachers at these particular centers are amazed, excited and want to learn what they can do to extend what I have taught the children in the enrichment program. Teachers need to choose developmentally appropriate activities that will match the children’s physical and mental abilities to have a successful sign language program. It is better to start of slow and introduce a few signs to the children. This will give the teacher a chance to begin to master the movements and also gives the children a chance to build their confidence with the new activity. Slowly as the children and teacher learn signs for different activities, the children will start asking what is the sign for this and that? The sky will be the limit!
Simpson, C, et. al. (2007, July/August) Sign language: meeting diverse needs in the classroom. Exchange, Retrieved February 9, 2011, from the Associates Programs Database.
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